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In this section you will find all the books I've written. Unfortunately they are only available in Italian, but I still hope that the plot manages to attract your interest. If you are intererssato to help me to let me know even in your country please contact me and I will deal with the issue. Thanks.

Frammenti ( Fragments)





On a Tuesday in early March , in a normal high school class , after a little dispute between Professor Mantegazza (professor of art education narcissistic and irresponsible ) and Roberto ( lonely boy and outgoing ) , the student ends up out of the classroom .
A little later , while the teacher is employed in the explanation of perspective , the design that represents the model year is ruined by a mysterious inscription .
The class is terrified by what happened and Robert, just back in the classroom , he decides to try to solve the mystery. Professor Mantegazza refuses to trust the guy, but Roberto , to make sure of being able to deal with the case , the teacher proposes a deal: If in two days will fail to solve the case, the professor will be able to suspend in case Instead the teacher will have to fulfill a wish of Roberto. Professor Mantegazza accepts .
Meanwhile Joan , a very emotional , he receives a page of a story where it is contained a threat : " the mental ill , falls to the ground with a crash . She died . The threatened that she would be free of me. "


Available only in Italian

Il sentiero dei sospiri ( The path of sighs)





Sacrofronte is a city in northern Italy in the mid-18th century, which is suffering from the oppression of a mysterious sect of noble greedy for power and each equipped with their own circle of bandits, known to all as the unidentified persons, because no one knows their true identity . One evening Thomas Arzeta, said Vermouth, and Gino, his companion of raids are hired to steal the money during the spring festival. The two go to the party, where Elena identify Riva, a young local girl, the ideal victim in order to fulfill the task entrusted to them. Surprisingly, however, the plane of the two ruffians is hampered by Föemm, a mysterious masked swordsman dressed as a good
Among intrigue, a hard to forget the past and choices are not always easy, the swordsman finds himself involved in an adventure that will lead him to a place that the inhabitants of Sacrofronte had forgotten for years: the path of sighs ...


Available only in italian

E-Heroes - Storie di supereroi europei

by various authors




From the union of this unique book publishing, superheroes, authors of fiction and comics authors was born on the anthology "E-Heroes, stories of superheroes Europe."
E-Heroes is a collection of short stories published by Edizioni Scudo involving designers Cyrano Comics superheroes to illustrate the characters in all the stories selected. Inside are the stories of the genesis of each character and the files of E-Heroes accompanied by a relative description


I wanted to thank the illustrator Federico Gaspari, who produced the pictures of my heroine and of course Giorgio Sangiorgi that put me and my short story in this pubblication.



Available only in Italian

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